The House of Representative has directed its committee on Aviation to invite the Minister of Aviation and explain how bandits gained entrance into Kaduna Airport that facilitated the abduction of some families. After a motion was moved by Musa Pali (APC Bauchi) during plenary yesterday the lawmakers insisted that their lives are no longer safe if Airports can be invaded anytime by the bandits, and therefore have to find a way of preventing further occurrence. 

Moving the motion earlier, Pali recalled that on March 6, 2021, bandits stormed the staff quarters of Kaduna Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) and abducted 11 persons that are yet to be secured from their hands.

The lawmaker noted that before now, air transport was considered the safest means of transportation in Nigeria, but now that it has become under the searchlight of the bandits, he revealed that nobody is safe at present and the time to act is now since the air transport is becoming like the road transport.

He said, “The bandits were reported to have gained access to the airport staff quarters through the runway and made away with their victims, including a Staff of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) . ”as well as a wife and son of a member of staff of the Nigerian Metrological Agency. He opined that if we allow security around our airports to be vulnerable, then we should forget about international travellers and investors because they will be scared away from visiting Nigeria, and may also invoke sanction from international regulating bodies.

The house unanimously called on the inspector general of police and other security agencies to beef up security around our airports to give confidence to international travellers. The lawmakers explained that such a breach of security shall no longer be tolerated while calling on security agencies to secure the release of those victims abducted by the criminals.

In his ruling, the Deputy Speaker of the House, Ahmed Wase, directed the committee on Aviation, police and interior to ensure compliance, and should report back in three weeks with its report for further legislative action.