A retired Police Inspector identified as Mr. James Oyeyemi, who lost her daughter, Grace Makinde, also an inspector, to the robbery, said the bandits were able to operate unhindered because of the sophisticated weapons they used. The 72-year-old retired Policeman according to Dailytrust lamented that the policemen on duty could not confront the armed robbers because they wielded more sophisticated weapons than the AK47 they were carrying.

“The police said they do not have the kind of weapons the robbers came with. The police have AK-47, while the robbers came with machine guns as I gathered.

"How could someone with AK-47 face somebody with machine gun? The police do not have sufficient weapons.

“In the past, the IG used to equip the police with armoured car and bulletproof vests. So where are they now? They do not maintain the vehicles for operations, they do not buy arms and they do not pay them well? How do they want the police to perform? They cannot perform.’’

He berated the Police authorities for failing to inform families of victim about the incident.