After nearly three months of being shut down the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja re-opened on Saturday, June 27, with limited services and with the severe observance of safety protocols following the Coronavirus (COVID-19), pandemic.

The airport witnessed compliance with stringent safety precautions including the provision of hand wash and alcohol-based hand sanitizers, temperature checks, as well as strict compliance to the social distancing order of about one meter aimed at curtailing the spread of the virus.

Journalists covering the Presidential Taskforce on COVID-19 were led on a dry run test from Lagos to Abuja, to witness firsthand, reopening of the aviation sector.

It was observed that instructions to further guide passengers, such as “do not use this seat”, “keep your distance”, were placed on seats used by passengers which were crowded, but now they have been rearranged in compliance with the social distancing rule.

Two newly acquired machines for identifying passengers were also observed to be stationed at the airport. An operator of the machines who sought anonymity disclosed that the machines are capable of performing all necessary tasks regarding passenger screening.

Recall that the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), not long ago, announced it will reopen for business on Aug. 27, after months of closure following the coronavirus outbreak.