President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed optimism that Nigeria would surmount the current security and economic challenges bedeviling it. Mr. President in his speech on Saturday to mark the 2021 Democracy Day, promised that his administration is working hard to ensure that the senseless killings in many parts of the country will come to an end. According to President Buhari, the country in the last two years has witnessed and overcome a good number of testy challenges that would have destroyed other nations especially relating to its collective security. But the “the indefatigable CAN DO Spirit of the Nigerians” has sustained the nation and would continue to push these challenges away. He appreciated Nigerians for their support and patience despite the challenges, stressing that the country will come out of the challenges stronger. He said, “Overcoming the present challenges is but one of a necessary process that we have to undergo as a nation so that we can come out stronger.

“Unfortunately some of these challenges came in the shape of violent outrages leading to the loss of lives of many of our dear compatriots and the destruction of some of our infrastructure, including those devoted to improving our democratic processes,” President Buhari said.

“Once again, I want to render my sincere and heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of our gallant servicemen and women who lost their lives in the line of duty and as a sacrifice to keep Nigeria safe.

“I extend the same condolence to the families and friends of our countrymen, women, and children who were unfortunate victims of such senseless arsons, kidnappings, and murders.

“We are already addressing these obstacles and we will soon bring some of these culprits to justice.

“We will, by the Grace of God put an end to these challenges too.

“We are, at the same time addressing the twin underlying drivers of insecurity namely poverty and youth unemployment.

“Let me assure my fellow citizens that every incident, however minor gives me great worry and concern and I immediately order security agencies to swiftly but safely rescue victims and bring perpetrators to justice,’ he added.

“Unfortunately, like in most conflict situations, some Nigerian criminals are taking undue advantage of a difficult situation and profiteering therefrom with the misguided belief that adherence to the democratic norms handicaps this Administration from frontally and decisively tackling them.

” I will be the first to admit that in spite of our efforts and achievements which are there for all to see, there is still much more to be done and we are doing our best in the face of scarce resources and galloping population growth rate that consistently outstrips our capacity to provide jobs for our populace. Our overall economic target of lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in 10 years is our goal notwithstanding COVID-19.

“In the last two years, we lifted 10.5 million people out of poverty – farmers, small-scale traders, artisans, market women and the like.

Mr. President also revealed that during his days in the Nigerian Army, he was ready to pay the ultimate price for the betterment of the country.