Justice Walter Onnoghen on Thursday loses a suit challenging his suspension following his conviction and subsequent removal from office by the Code of Conduct Tribunal In a unanimous judgment led by Justice Stephen Adah, the Court ruled that the CCT’s ex parte order breached the ex-CJN’s right to fairing hearing.

Justice Adah who read the lead judgment noted that the court proceedings ought not to be conducted “in a shady or clandestine manoeuvre” as the prosecution obtained manner in which the ex parte order.

He, however, struck out the matter on the grounds that the substantive matter had been concluded by the CCT, which ended in the ex-CJN’s conviction on charges of false, and non-declaration of assets.

Recall that President Muhammadu Buhari had on the strength of the ex parte order suspended Onnoghen from office on January 25th 2019.