On Wednesday, 3rd April, 2019 Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) under its de-radicalization programme spearheaded by the Nigerian Army, Department of State Services (DSS), Nigeria Police Force (NPF), Nigeria Prison Service (NPS), National Orientation Agency (NOA), Theologians and other collaborating partners graduated a set of 152 ex-Boko Haram insurgents who undergone 12 months de-radicalisation training exercise at a center under the auspices of "Safe Corridor", located at Mallam Sidi village in Gombe State.


According to Col. Beyidi Martins, project Coordinator of the Center, the programme was a clear attestation to the Federal Government’s action against using combat in depleting the manpower of Boko Haram. He reiterated that, the programme would enhance the acceptance of the clients in the society having been subjected to several vocational pieces of training that would make them more useful and self-reliant.

As at the time this is achieved, the Government will be able to reduce the numbers of free hands the sect recruits to fight for its course. Also, based on the assessment, the programme has done a lot in reforming the fighters against the government.

Martins added that, the programme has achieved more compared to other similar programmes in Somalia and Saudi Arabia, where de-radicalization programmes are being implemented. There are no records of de-radicalized members going back to the fighting fold of the insurgents group.

More so, the programme coordinator disclosed that with sustained efforts and partnership with international organizations, the end of Boko Haram looms.

In the same vein, Mr. Abba Umar, a member of Bama Community, commended the Federal Government and the Army for the love shown to their brothers. He expressed satisfaction with everything at the center.

Furthermore, Zanna Yakubu, who spoke on behalf of  Bama Community,  commended the Federal Government for equipping the ex-insurgents with the skills to be self-reliant. Yakubu added that the training would help in debunking criticisms in the foreign media on Government’s efforts to end the insurgency in the country.

While commenting on the training received, Mohammed Modu, a graduate of the programme, lauded the Government’s efforts in the rehabilitation programme. He expressed optimism that his return to the society as a repentant Boko Haram member is not only a welcomed development as he will contribute a lot to the society but will also be embraced by all and sundry.