The National Security Adviser, NSA, Babagana Monguno has assured Nigerians that despite skirmishes of insecurity in the land, the security agencies are on top of their game and elections will be conducted peacefully as planned. The NSA made this known yesterday during a Ministerial Media Briefing organized by Presidential Communication Team at the state house. He said for the assailants that attack INEC offices, especially in the southeastern part of the country, securities are already on a manhunt for the criminals and they will be served with justice.

When he was asked about the possibility of conducting a peaceful election next year, Monguno said, “I hope your question is not a trap, but the elections will take place, we’ve said that. By the grace of the Almighty, they (elections) will take place in an atmosphere bereft of intimidation and violence; we’ll try as much as possible to maintain that. 

However, he reiterated that “For those people who’ve been going around burning offices, killing people, the security agencies have been given that instruction. Visit them with all you have and let them understand that there are consequences for bad behavior and that we’re determined. Everybody is a Nigerian, everybody is free to do whatever he wants to do, but don’t cross the line and move into another person’s territory. 

“That you want to destroy government property, property set up by taxpayer’s money? How dare you? Who the hell are you? In a normal society, this is not tolerated, and I believe we’re a normal society, how can you just be on your own, so please, let’s forget that one” the NSA fumes. 

Meanwhile, he cautions the governors who are fond of intimidating opposition in their domain to desist from promising that security agencies will soon beam their searchlight on such emperor governors. 

He explained to the gathering that President Buhari has already given a clear directive that the upcoming general election must be free, fair, and credible. 

Therefore he assured that “The people’s will must prevail. What happened in Anambra or Osun and Ekiti is what we want to happen all over the country. Let the people choose their leader, whoever they want, and then later, they can decide. 

Reiterating his stand on election violence, the NSA warns politicians who are in the habit of hiring thugs to intimidate the electorate for them through coercion of voters, he expresses that they are the real problem to our democracy because they are bad losers. 

He said any politician that is found wanting of using thugs will be dealt with, saying he was not particular to a political party, but the menace of thuggery has to end. 

Warning those who are to be hired as thugs, the NSA reiterated that he has placed security agencies on red alert to deal with such criminals. 

The NSA called on religious leaders to avoid the urge of using their religious platform for political activities and also warn ethnic jingoists to desist from what they are known for, which is dividing the populace along with ethnicity as the country has enough problems to deal with. 

Describing the security threat facing the country, Monguno noted that they are issues bordering on political, economic, and social grievances fuelled by the proliferation of small arms within the West African Sub-region which have changed the dynamics.
Other insecurity activities bordering on illegal mining, porous border, illiteracy, and drug trafficking cannot be wished off. 

Speaking on IPOB activities, the NSA said, their militia wing, the Eastern Security Network, has been dealt with and most of their key commanders and bomb experts are in custody awaiting prosecution. 

On bunkering activities, he revealed so far, over 82 tankers who were involved in various degrees have been arrested, theft of over 3 billion barrels of crude oil prevented and 11 million liters of petrol and diesel recovered. 

He assured that all the persons involved will be prosecuted accordingly.