President MuhammaduBuharion Wednesday, 14th August 2019 gave assent to the Nigeria Correctional Services Bill (NCS) which repeals the Nigerian Prisons Services (NPC), changing the name to Nigeria Correctional Service (NCS).

The Bill also intends to drive prison reform by moving towards rehabilitative justice and preparing offenders for re-introduction into the society by making vocational and educational courses availableamong others.

Recall that previously, President MuhammaduBuharihad withheld assent to the Nigerian Correctional Service Bill (NCS), 2019. This was communicated through a letter sent to the Senate on Tuesday 16 April 2019 and was read at plenary. In the letter, the President faultedthe Bill for its drafting language and a provision he believed would breach the independence of the judiciary.

In the President’s view, section 44(d) of the vetoed Bill which sought to fund a special noncustodial fund with five per cent of all fines paid to the federal purse would violate sections 81 and 84 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) which guarantees the independence of the Judiciary.

This development has now put the controversy to rest as the sections in dispute were all addressed. Henceforth, in addition to other provisions, the Prison Service would bear the name Nigeria Correctional Services (NCS).