Contrary to reports that organized labour has perfected plans to go on a nationwide strike following the alleged non-implementation of the new minimum wage, the Nigeria Labor Congress (NLChas refuted the claims. President of the NLCMrAyubaWabba, in a statement made available to the press on Friday, disclosed that the congress would apply all available means to resolve disputes in the country. 

He stressed that before the union embark on any mass action or street protest, the issue(s) in contestation will be debated by the appropriate organs of the Congress. “We would wish to inform our members and affiliate unions, civil society allies and the general public that the Nigeria Labor Congress is neither organizing nor getting associated with any mass action or street protest over any issue in any part or every part of the country in the days ahead. “Similarly, the decision to do a mass action or any form of protest is usually taken by those organs.