The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed said in the interest of all Nigerians, we are better united as a country than those beating the drum of secession. Mr. Mohammed disclosed this today during a News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) flagship interview program, tagged, NAN Forum.

The Minister accused some Nigerian elites to be responsible for instigating the disintegration call amongst their foot soldiers despite the danger that comes with it eventually if the country should fail, God forbid.

According to Mr. Mohammed, if those fanning the embers of disintegration did not retract their footsteps, those who have attained a professorship status may end up as bakery workers in Togo to survive.

Mohammed said, Nigerian challenge is the elite, but not the common man on the street, he noted that if you visit any remote Nigerian village, you will see people from a different ethnic background and different religion living in harmony with one another.

He called on the Nigerian elites to take the lead in cementing the unity of the country because they have so much to lose if the country fails; rather they are the ones fanning the embers of hate rate and the masses copy thinking they know better.

The minister warned that “Nigeria accounts for 70 percent of West Africa’s population, and if Nigeria should disintegrate today, we are going to overrun Benin Republic, Togo, Niger, and other neighboring countries.

He reminded the elites class that, they have more to lose than the common man on the Nigerian street who hardly eats three times a day, saying we are all witness to what happened in Liberia when civil war broke out.

“it is in their own interest that they should work to ensure Nigeria remains united. Many of them have more than just one passport- American, British, Irish – and at the first crack of trouble, boom! They are off the country” the Minister added.