Armed men suspected to be kidnappers on Monday invaded the Staff Quarters of Ahmadu Bello University, ABU, Zaria and abducted one of their staff Dr. Ibrahim Bako, a lecturer in the Department of Physiology. The invaders picked him, his wife and daughter at their residence on Sardauna Cresent, Area BZ, main Campus, Samaru, Zaria, about 12:50am. In a press release by the University, it was disclosed that the University Security Division swiftly alerted the police who went after them up to Kasuwar Da’a village bordering the University, the kidnappers then released the wife and the daughter and went away with the husband.

It was further revealed that the Inspector General of Police and other security agencies, as well as all relevant government establishments have been duly informed of the unfortunate incident, while the Vice-Chancellor
“urges the University community to remain calm and vigilant to avoid the recurrence of the incident.”

Some empty shell of ammunitions was discovered at the scene of the incident.

This makes it a second time a similar incident is happening as about two weeks ago, armed men invaded the staff quarters of the Kaduna state owned Nuhu Bamali Polytechnic, Zaria, and abducted a lecturer and two children.