Three of the passengers of the Abuja-Kaduna train that were captured on March 28, 2022, have regained their freedom today after a viral video that went around social media of them getting beaten by the terrorist yesterday. Yesterday morning, the terrorist released a viral video in an undisclosed location believed to be their den flogging their captives while at the same time issuing a threat to the government that failure to secure the release of victims may cost the victims lives.

It was learned that the released passengers were two males and a female who have since been reunited with their family members.
Although, the correspondence did not carry detail on whether ransom was paid to secure the release of the victims. 

However, Dailytrust contacted a Kaduna-based journalist Tukur Mamu to comment on the condition that lead to the release of the victims, Mamu revealed he was not part of the negotiating team. 

Mamu said it's been a long time since he withdrew himself from anything that has to do with negotiation over threats to his life.
Detail soon...