A pill widely taken to prevent heart attack and stroke may also guard against cancer, new research suggests.

Warfarin is an inexpensive blood thinner. It's typically prescribed for patients whose leg arteries are prone to clots and for patients with the abnormal heartbeat called atrial fibrillation.

The World Health Organization (W.H.O) has urged farmers to stop using antibiotics on healthy animals as the practice fuels dangerous drug-resistant infections in people.

Describing a lack of effective antibiotics for humans as “a security threat” on a par with “a sudden and deadly disease outbreak”, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said “strong and sustained action across all sectors” was vital to turn back the tide of resistance and “keep the world safe”.

A Norwegian study suggests that women who use a lot of the common pain reliever acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol) during pregnancy may be more likely to have children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than those who don’t use the drug.

Researchers analyzed data on almost 113,000 children and their parents, including 2,246 kids who were diagnosed with ADHD. Almost half of the mothers took paracetamol at some point during pregnancy, researchers report in Pediatrics.

The Federal Government has attributed the growing increase in the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Internally Displaced Persons (IPDs) camps to rampant rape of victims taking refuge at the camps. The Head, Humanitarian Assistance and Rehabilitation of the Presidential Committee on North East Initiative (PCNI), Dr. Sidi Mohammed stated this on Saturday on the sidelines of a meeting organized by PCNI in the Federal Capital Territory.

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has dragged the Managing Director of Tasty Time Nigeria Ltd, Isaac Kole, before the Federal High Court in Lagos over alleged manufacture of fake and unregistered products.

NAFDAC arraigned the accused on a four-count charge bordering on producing fake products, alongside his company; Tasty Time Nigeria Ltd.

Communication Specialist with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Kaduna Field Office, Rabiu Musa has disclosed that about 80% of the HIV transmission in Nigeria happened through sex.

This is just as added that about 10% of infections is through blood transfusion, while the other 10% is through other routes such as Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT), Injection Drug User (IDU), use of unsterilized instruments among others.