A sexually transmitted infection that affects the eye and can even result in blindness is on the rise, according to experts.

More than 200 cases of ocular syphilis across 20 US states were documented by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) between 2014 and 2016, prompting it to issue an advisory notice to clinicians.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved smaller condoms for use after recent studies showed that the 6.69-inch (17cm) minimum length requirement is actually longer than the penis of an average American male.

Health officials have been desperately trying to improve the country's low rate of condom usage - an issue that was highlighted by recent research backed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which found that only a third of American men reported using them during sex.

A new study suggests that women were less likely to get pregnant if they eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables known to have high levels of pesticide residue, said lead researcher Dr. Jorge Chavarro, an associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.

Researchers claim that Triclosan, a harmful antibacterial agent used in some tooth pastes accumulates in toothbrush bristles. This means your exposure to the chemical can continue even if you switch to a triclosan-free toothpaste, the report warned.

A new research contends that folks who frequently indulge in marijuana actually have better sex lives.

People who report daily marijuana use have sex more often than either occasional users or those who never touch the stuff, the researchers found.

The study conducted by researchers at Washington University in the US, claimed that women who are trying to conceive may have better chance at it, if they happen to drink red wine once every week.

The researchers also clarified that while drinking wine had no apparent link in increasing fertility, but wine could help the ovarian reserve (the quantity of eggs present in the ovaries at any one time) of the hopeful mothers.