Nomsa Nyali was diagnosed with HIV when she was 22 and pregnant. Her son is now 16 – and she lives to encourage other HIV-positive people to be brave.  “I never get sick; I’m never admitted in a hospital.

I am healthy and energetic. I don't feel sorry for myself or ashamed of my status. I disclose wherever I go to encourage other people out there who fear being tested,” said Nyali, who is from Flagstaff in the Eastern Cape.

Reliable medication

She said she wants to give hope to those who are negative about being positive.“I'm a proudly single woman who enjoys every moment of my life. I started medication in 2014 and my life completely changed. 

My body changed, I am cute, plump and attractive. My meds have never failed me.” She said praying, having fun, eating healthy, loving, accepting and respecting herself, and avoiding quarrelsome situations keep her going … and fresh.

“To all the people living with HIV, be strong and be courageous, and don't be ashamed of yourself. You are not sick. You are healthy; you have miles ahead of you to walk. Disclosure is one of the meds. With one disclosure you'll heal millions.

Never stop using your medication and don't take traditional meds for the virus,” she added.