Members of Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU) and Assembly of Healthcare Professional Associations (AHPA) have threatened to resume nationwide industrial action if the Federal Government fails to meet their demands. The National Chairman and Secretary of JOHESU, Biobelemoye Joy Josiah Ekpebor Florence respectively made this known on Sunday after a consultative meeting with stakeholders. The duo urged the government to act in the interest of the sector or prepare for a showdown.

They complained that the list of appointment into the Board of all Federal Health Institutions grossly violated Teaching Hospital Act and called for its immediate review.

“Government should urgently revisit the constitution of the membership of the boards of all the Federal Health Institutions (FHIs) as the list of members published in December 2017 seriously violates the Teaching Hospital Act which provides that a representative of health providers must be appointed on all the boards.”

They further noted that the “government did not appoint members of JOHESU/AHPA on the boards despite the fact that a formal list was sent on request, thereby, breaching one of the terms of its September 30, 2017 Terms of Settlement to redress the perennial lopsided composition of the boards of the FHIs.”

Other issues include the delay in the approval of the adjusted CONHESS scale as done for CONMESS since 2014.

While appealing to members to remain calm, they disclosed that the National Executive Committee will meet at the end of the month to decide the next line of action.