Scientists may have discovered a new stem-cell sex treatment that will relegate Viagra to the back stage and guarantee a better sexual performance for men.

They found in recent trials that injecting 20m stem cells into the base of the penis could give a boost to the nerves and blood vessels, which could help cure men of erectile dysfunction.

This will also enlarge the size of the penis, which is something Viagra could not do.

The scientist target the research at men who have had their prostate glands removed owing to cancer, which in turn lowers the nerves and blood vessels in the penis causing it to shrink.

Several studies have shown that erectile dysfunction can be affected by many factors, including hydration levels. Dehydration can decrease blood volume and affect mood, so a person may find that drinking water can help with maintaining an erection.

Stem cell therapy could also help the millions of men with erectile dysfunction from other causes such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and simple ageing, said Professor Soren Sheikh, director of the Danish Centre for Regenerative Medicine.

Sheikh said: “Stem cells can grow into many of the body's main tissues, such as nerves, liver, kidney and heart cells. They are very good at building blood vessels.”

The therapy involved using liposuction to remove half a pint of fat cells from a patient's abdomen.

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is when a man has difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. An estimated 30 million men experience ED at some point.