Former Manchester United player, Rio Ferdinand says Chelsea playmaker, Eden Hazard could be a 'cheat' for Chelsea like Christiano Ronaldo was for Manchester United. Speaking with BT Sports after Chelsea defeated Atletico Madrid, the former defender said Hazard's contribution to the success of the club had not left anybody in doubt as to his quality. He explained that Hazard is always a threat to opponents and usually puts fantastic performance when introduced.

“We asked before the game, can he produce at this level? Tonight he gave us an answer. In a just under 90 minute cameo I thought he was fantastic in everything he done.

“He was a threat, especially through the middle areas. This guy gives you hope, he’s a player that in top teams you normally get one player who’s allowed to ‘cheat’.

“He’s that guy you would give that licence to with what he can do if you give him as much energy as possible in the attacking third. Restrict the amount of time he has to defend.

“We did that with Ronaldo at in our team because of what he could produce at the other end.You want him to be at his best and his most efficient.

“That means if you can save him energy in running back and let other people put in a bit of an extra shift for him,” he added.