The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has signed a three year contract with Thomas Dennerby to coach the Super Falcons. According to a statement by the federation on Thursday, Dennerby’s contract enables him to come along with an assistant, a fellow Swedish, Jorgen Peterson.

“The NFF decided to go for a coach of the calibre of Thomas Dennerby for three reasons: to sustain and enhance the Super Falcons’ dominance on the African scene; to take the Falcons and the other women teams to the next level of challenging for laurels at global competitions like the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup and; to generally lay the foundation for the real development of women’s football in our country,” said Shehu Dikko, NFF second vice president.


“Dennerby will live in Nigeria most of the time and support the other women teams whenever he has the time. The contract is until the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo in the initial, with the right for automatic renewal subject to meeting performance milestones as agreed. He will be in Nigeria very soon for the public unveiling.


The NFF technical and development committee has already shortlisted three Nigerians to work with Messrs Dennerby and Petersson as assistant coaches and goalkeeper trainer. These three will resume work soon to start preparing the team for the upcoming WAFU Cup of Nations in Côte d’Ivoire pending the resumption of Dennerby and Petersson.”


The three coaches who will work with Dennerby and Petersson will soon be announced. The 58-year-old coach was named Sweden Coach of the Year 2004 for women’s football and was also his country’s U21 coach. He has been involved with the Swedish women’s team between 2005 and 2012.