The wife of Niger state governor, Hajiya Fatima Umar Bago has called on individuals, leaders, and groups to expose people who hide under the guise of culture to perpetrate sexual abuse. Speaking at the 2nd International Conference on Rape and Child Sexual Abuse organized by The Peak Story, Bago noted that exposing the abusers and their antics would enable young girls to identify and point them out.

She pointed out that some of the sexual abuse perpetrators hide under the cultural context of northern Nigeria which adds a layer of complexities that requires nuanced approaches considering the rich traditions and values that have shaped the region.

She said: “We need to do more by exposing some of these abusers, and their antics so that our girls can identify and know them. This conference should serve as a wake-up call to all stakeholders in Northern Nigeria to protect our norms, values, and cultures from the negative impact of technology and social media. We are emphasizing on northern Nigeria because a lot is going on and they hide under the guise of culture.”

The governor’s Wife then called for a platform for government officials, experts, gender-based advocates, and community leaders to map out effective strategies against these societal evils.

She added: “Going forward, we have to initiate collaborations between government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the private sector to develop comprehensive strategies that address the multi-faceted nature of abuse faced by the female gender in our society especially in rural areas and by close relations.

“The prevalence of rape and child sexual abuse in local communities harms our young girls. It is our collective responsibility to stand together vehemently and advocate for the rights of these vulnerable girls and take decisive action to deal with it to protect their futures.

“By raising awareness, fostering education, and implementing targeted innovations, we can work towards creating a safer environment for these girls. Let us unite in our commitment to eradicate such heinous acts by ensuring that every girl regardless of her background can grow up free from the fear of abuse and the opportunity to realize her full potential.”

Speaking on the theme of the conference, ‘Technology and online safety: exploring the influence of technology and social media on sexual abuse issues, strategies, and prevention’, Bago said that in addressing the pervasive impact of technology, there is a need to recognize its potential for good and the challenges it presents.

The convener, Chenemi Bamaiyi explained that the conference was designed to sensitize students and the youths about the the advancement of technologies and the dangers that come with it while highlighting how they can stay safe online and be protected from online sexual predators and cyberbullying.

He said that the conference will teach the students how and when to give consent, define boundaries online and offline, deal with cyberbullying, and recognize signs that someone has rape and other perverse motive when relating with them.

He stated: “We now live in a digital world where having data makes a lot of young people more comfortable than not having money. With the advancement of technology comes its peculiar challenges and exposes young and old people to cyberbullying. We will look at how cyberbullying translates to sexual abuse and how to speak out about it.”

Bamaiyi explained that the conference is expected to make the students part of the solution to this societal ill and help them know how to navigate technological advancement.