Following the attack at Rann on 14 January 2019 by Boko Haram insurgents on a military base, the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, Mr. Edward Kallon, has expressed concern over the interruption of aid delivery to tens of thousands of internally displaced people in the area.


Rann, a town in eastern Borno State about 10 kilometers from the border with Cameroon, has an estimated 76,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) who receive succor from the international agency.

Kallon, on Friday, claimed a medical clinic, warehouses with humanitarian supplies and accommodation for aid workers were looted and destroyed in the attack, and the market and shelters in the camp were burned down by the attackers.

He said several civilian fatalities have also been reported, although the total number is yet unknown, thousands have reportedly fled to Cameroon. According to him, Rann is presently inaccessible to international humanitarian organizations both by road and by air.

“The attacks on Rann, that are increasingly frequent, are having a devastating impact on the civilians taking refuge in this isolated town and severely affecting our ability to deliver life-saving aid to women, men and children in need”.

Kallon opined that the attack has spread fear among vulnerable population, and humanitarian assets were also targeted. He urged the Government of Nigeria to protect civilians, including aid workers.”