The Organized labor yesterday 31st December 2018 told workers to fully mobilize for a prolonged nationwide strike over the refusal of the Government to commence the process of implementing the N30,000 new minimum wage.

Their position came against the backdrop of Nigeria Governor’s Forum (NGF), claim that Governors cannot afford to pay the new minimum wage of N30,000.

In its New Year message as conveyed by the President of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Ayuba Wabba, Government’s dilly-dallying on the issue has strained Government-Labour relations with a potential for a major national strike which could just be days away.

Accordingly, the Labour uses the opportunity to appeal to the Government to do the needful by urgently transmitting the bill on the new national minimum wage to the National Assembly. In his wards "We also would like to use this opportunity to urge workers to fully mobilize for a prolonged national strike and enforce their right.

Wabba reiterated that, this strike becomes the inevitable last option for workers and craved the understanding and support of all Government workers and private businesses alike.

He added that Labour assures workers that their labour, patience and diligence will not be in vain and that this leadership remains committed to giving all it takes to ensure that they get just and fair wages due to them in a decent work environment appropriate to their well-being. 

Similarly, according to Wabba, the Labour leadership is committed to ensuring there is social protection for workers and that, the new year presents great opportunities for workers, pensioners, civil society allies and their friends and families to put their numbers to good use by voting out, not on the basis of tribe or religion, but purely policy for or against any candidate who cannot serve their interest.

It can be recalled that the organized labour has issued an ultimatum of 8th January 2019 for the federal Government to transmit the resolution of the tripartite commitee to national Assembly or risk Nationwide strike and protest effective from 9th January, 2019.