Mr. Bashir Bape a lawmaker representing the Nguroje constituency in Taraba State House of Assembly has been abducted by unknown gunmen who rode on motorbikes to bear away Bashir.

This unfortunate incident happened in Mr. Bape's residence in the state capital on Tuesday night, as claimed by an eyewitness who pleaded anonymously.

"The gunmen who came in numbers overpowered the vigilantes guarding the house and went straight to his sleeping room.

"They whisked him away, and n leaving the scene, they shot into the air to scare us.

"Immediately they entered, they seized all handsets belonging to the people in the compound.

"They then dragged the member to their motorcycles and whisked him away without saying anything," said a neighbor who chose not to give out his identity for security purposes.

Although, The state police spokesperson was not on the ground to relate to the incident as calls put across to reach him proved abortive.