
Exclusive Reports

Sun, Jun

Oyo, Edo, Kano, Ogun, Ondo Assembly Workers Begin Indefinite Strike Over Autonomy

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The Parliamentary Staff Association of Nigeria, PASAN, in Oyo, Edo, Kano, Ondo, and Ogun States amongst others commenced indefinite strike over non implementation of financial autonomy in legislative houses and implementation of the Consolidated Legislative Salary Structures, CONLESS, for staff of the Assembly and Commission in the nation.


The strike that witnesses shutting of gates leading to various Houses of Assembly in states to drive home their demands follows the expiration of the ultimatum of the national body of PASAN to various states. 

The former President, Muhammadu Buhari assented to the legislative bill in 2021 granting autonomy to staff of the parliament to deepen the dividends of democracy for Nigerians. 

The Oyo Chapter workers, who were led by their chairman, Yemi Alade, seeks for financial autonomy implementation as stated in section 121 (3a, 3b and 4a) of the 1999 constitution, as amended. 

In Edo State, the House of Assembly complex was also shut, yesterday, as the members barricaded the gates, thereby denying lawmakers from accessing the chambers. The PASAN State Chairman, Umaru Haruna stated that the directive to mobilize members for maximum compliance in the protest action was from the union National Secretariat. 

The Kano State Chairman of PASAN, Bashir Yahaya, equally confirmed that union members in the state shutdown the Assembly to press home their demands. He added that the complex would remain closed until there is a further directive from its national body. 

On its part, members of PASAN in Ogun State, yesterday, joined other Assembly workers to embark on an indefinite strike. 

The State Chairman, Ojediran Ayotunde, stated that non-compliance with the laws has resulted in the non-payment of due salaries and allowances to the three bureaucratic staff of the legislature.

As it stands today, the Clerk of the House, his Deputy and the Executive Secretary of the Commission are still being paid the salaries of Directors as against what is spelt out by the extant laws. 

In Ondo State, PASAN staff staged a peaceful walk at the Assembly over the non implementation of the autonomy. 

The state chairperson, Omolola Olufemi, said that financial autonomy is crucial to the growth of the legislature as bedrock of parliamentary autonomy hinges on financial independence. Adding that, the association had given the government enough time to implement the financial autonomy following the suspension of the strike two years ago. 

The ‘Autonomy’ in this context is simply means non-dependence and non-subordination of parliaments about the executive. The Parliaments should have equitable access to resources. As such, parliaments by constitutional arrangements are supposed to have enough financial muscle to carry out their legislative mandate, including exercising power over the budget.