Kitchen sponges are dirtier than toilets teeming with bacteria, researchers found. A group of researchers from the Faculty of Medical and Life Sciences, Institute of Precision Medicine (IPM), Microbiology and Hygiene Group, Furtwangen University in Germany conducted DNA analysis of 14 different kitchen sponges. The researchers said their study revealed "an amazing bacterial colonization of kitchen sponges, and visualized its extent for this common microbial hot spot for the first time."

Drugs that can protect people from HIV infection will be available to those at risk from September, NHS England has said. PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) in the form of a once-a-day pill called Truvada will be available to at least 10,000 people whose partners may be HIV-positive through sexual health clinics, which can put them forward for inclusion in a large clinical trial.

Trystan Reese, a transgender man living in Portland, Oregon, USA, has given birth to a boy with his partner of seven years, Biff Chaplow.  Their son, Leo Murray Chaplow, was born July 14. Leo is the couple’s first biological child, but they are no strangers to parenting: Reese and Chaplow adopted Chaplow’s niece and nephew in 2011.

Man Dies From Penis Enlargement Surgery IA healthy 30-year-old man in Stockholm has died after undergoing penis enlargement surgery. Aside from a minor case of asthma, the deceased suffered from no other pre-existing medical conditions.

Members of National Association of Resident Doctor, NARD have threatened to embark on indefinite strike from August 18, 2017 if the Federal Government fails to address their subsisting demands. The aggrieved doctors made their position known in a Communiqué issued at the end of the National Executive Council meeting held in Calabar.