Following the surge in the daily record of coronavirus in the country, the Federal Government has blamed the religious organizations for sabotaging the national response in the country through their action of organizing large gatherings and holding events against the laydown protocols.

The Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) says it has confirmed fresh 550 new cases of the dreaded coronavirus in the country. The health agency disclosed this via its verified official Twitter handle yesterday. It revealed that with the additional new cases discovered, it has pushed the Nigerian total infection toll to 70,195.

The Corporate Alliance on Malaria in Africa (CAMA) has announced the launch of its strategic plan for 2021 and 2023 which comprises a set of blueprint for the elimination of Malaria in Africa for the next three years. The plan was unveiled during tha CAMA's 2020 Partners virtual meeting, saying the plan aims to reach at least 5 million people directly with malaria commodities and 100 million with prevention and control messages.

US-based Nigerian scientist, Dr. Onyeama Ogbuagu has been celebrated following his contributions in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine at America's pharmaceutical company, Pfizer. The pharmaceutical firm revealed that it had developed a COVID-19 vaccine with 94.5 percent effectiveness, indicating a breakthrough in finding a vaccine for the global pandemic.