A new study suggests that super-strength vitamin C doses could be a way to fight leukaemia. Scientists believe that Vitamin C which is found in high levels in oranges, peppers and kale, encourages blood cancer stem cells to die. Faulty stem cells in bone marrow often multiply, fueling the growth of fatal tumours, but vitamin C tells them to die, scientists claim.

Borno State Commissioner for Health, Dr Haruna Mshelia has said more than 400, 000 persons were screened for HIV virus. Mshelia told newsmen in Maiduguri that they were screened and counselled on the scourge in the 53 Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) centres in the state.

Energy drinks have already taken a lot of heat for the negative health effects they have, according to research. Now, they’re taking another hit as scientists say such drinks can act as a “gateway drug” for young adults to begin consuming other addictive substances.