A study conducted by a group of scientists in Ecuador published on-line in the BBC News has revealed that an egg a day might help undernourished young children grow to a healthy height. Whether soft or hard-boiled, fried or whisked into an omelette, eggs appeared to give infants a boost. It could be a cheap way to prevent stunting, say researchers in the journal Pediatrics.

 The United Nations (UN) Deputy Secretary General, Amina Mohammed, has warned that the AIDS pandemic was still far from over, saying over 36.7 million people are living with HIV globally.

About 15 deaths were recorded recently in the Kapoeta region of South Sudan due to a failed immunization campaign against measles. Autopsy report and investigative findings disclosed that out of about 300 people vaccinated, 32 children fell ill but recovered while 15 others died due to medical complications resulting from wrong administration of the vaccines.

The Federal Government has expressed its readiness to commence enforcement of atleast nine subsisting laws in the Nigeria Tobacco Control Act which was signed into law by the immediate past administration, as part of efforts to commemorate the 2017 "World No Tobacco Day".