About 15 deaths were recorded recently in the Kapoeta region of South Sudan due to a failed immunization campaign against measles. Autopsy report and investigative findings disclosed that out of about 300 people vaccinated, 32 children fell ill but recovered while 15 others died due to medical complications resulting from wrong administration of the vaccines.

According to Riek Gai Kok the health minister those administering the vaccines were “neither qualified nor trained” to do so, as a result multiple reactions and sepsis were experienced leading to the deaths recorded.

Sepsis is a possible fatal immune reaction caused by an infection which multiplies quickly in the body leading to possible organ failure and death.

He further added that amidst the national measles outbreak, the United Nation Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) aimed to vaccinate about 1.2 million children this year.

However, a report filed by Associated Press disclosed that the pathetic situation in South Sudan was caused by negligence, since children as young as 12 years old were seen administering vaccine using unsterilized syringe and vaccines that were poorly stored and handled. UNICEF has not commented on the situation at the time of this report.