AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN), a public health initiative has disclosed that about 70, 655 persons from three Nigerian states of Lagos, Oyo and Plateau, have been enrolled on free HIV and AIDS treatment by the federal government.

The Chief Executive Officer, Dr Prosper Okonkwo, while addressing media in Abuja, disclosed that in the last five years, the organisation has embarked on HIV testing for 4, 475, 318 persons in Nigeria with about 70, 655 reported cases of HIV.

Dr Okonkwo said 84 per cent viral load suppression rate has however been achieved among those on treatment, which is a great leap towards the 90 per cent viral suppression covered by the United Nation AIDS goal, in the three states.

“About 3.4 million individuals are estimated to be living with HIV in Nigeria and this has been rated as the 2nd highest burden in Africa."

He added that “Only about 1.1 million (32%) of the PLHIV in Nigeria are aware that they are living with the virus, While 970, 000 persons are on treatment with about 780, 000 PLHIV attaining viral suppression. This is a far cry from the UNAIDS 90.90.90 goal."

Speaking on statistical evidence showing that more women over the years have tested their HIV status than men, Okonkwo urged Nigerians especially men to conduct a regular test which could greatly mitigate the spread of the virus.