Members of the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD), who just recently suspended its strike have asked the Federal Government to honour its agreement with the union or they will resume the industrial action. They warned that should the government fail to honour its agreement in the next four weeks, they would be forced to declare another indefinite nationwide industrial action. President of NARD, Dr. Uyilawa Okhuaihesuyi, gave the word of caution on Monday during an appearance on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily.

“We have been a leap of faith to believe in the system and we hope and pray that the system does not fail us.

The doctor said, “If it fails us, we don’t have a choice but to call a meeting in the next four weeks, which is the timeline for this strike that we suspended.

“If our demands are not met in four weeks' time, I think it will go back to us going on indefinite strike again.”