The Federal Ministry of Health has warned the citizens of an increase in illegal harvest and transplant of human organs. The warning came after Egyptian authorities prosecuted forty one people for illegal trafficking in human kidneys.

The office of Egypt’s prosecutor-general released names of private hospitals in Giza area of Cairo allegedly involved in the trafficking of human kidneys.

• Dar al-shefa in Helwan, Cairo
• Al-Bashar Specialist Hospital in Faisal, Giza
• Al-Amal Centre for General Surgery in Maurinteya, Giza
• Dar Ibn Al-Nafis Hospital, Giza.


A letter signed by the Director of Hospital Services, in the Federal Ministry of Health, Dr. Wapada Balami, said that the health ministry has written to the Nigerian Medical Association to warn all doctors in relevant specialties to “be aware so that Nigerians will be cautious while embarking on medical tourism in other countries.”


The letter raises concern about patients possibly seeking treatment abroad and their doctors referring them to any hospital. In his response, the President of the Nigerian Medical Association president, Dr.Mike Ogirinma stated: “If some of our colleagues are in that trade, that is very disheartening. For us as an association, we may not have such powers to stop it but we can investigate.”


Dr. Ogrima said that patient’s stand the risk of getting their organs illegally trafficked or losing their lives to the growing trade of illegal organ harvest and transplant if rapid steps are not taken to stop the menace.