A new study of more than 14,000 people has shown that those who received meningitis vaccine in New Zealand had a reduced chance of contracting gonorrhea compared with unvaccinated people.

The development is the first in the world, raising hopes that people could be immunised against the sexually transmitted infection in future.

The findings, published in "The Lancet", showed those vaccinated were 31 per cent less likely to catch gonorrhoea than those who had not received a Men 'B' vaccine, adjusting for factors such as deprivation, gender and ethnicity.

The report comes after the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned of the rise of totally untreatable strains of gonorrhea, which has been detected in at least three people worldwide. Oral sex and a decline in condom use are reportedly behind the spread of the disease, which can infect the genitals, rectum and throat.

Researchers studied data of all people aged 15 to 30 who had been diagnosed with gonorrhoea or chamydia, or both, at 11 sexual health clinics in New Zealand.

Around one million people, or 81 per cent of the New Zealand population under 20 years old, received a vaccine against meningococcal group B (Men B), a bacteria that causes meningitis and blood poisoning if it enters the body.

Dr Helen Petousis-Harris, the lead author of the study from the University of Auckland said: "This is the first time a vaccine has shown any protection against gonorrhea."

"At the moment, the mechanism behind this immune response is unknown, but our findings could inform future vaccine development for both the meningococcal and gonorrhea vaccines."

The study said that despite meningitis and gonorrhea being very different diseases in terms of symptoms and mode of transmission, the bacteria behind them are matched by 80 to 90 per cent.

The development of a gonorrhea vaccine given to teenagers could become an urgent priority after the WHO said it was "only a matter of time" before last-resort gonorrhea antibiotics would be of no use.

“Gonorrhoea is a very smart bug,” said Teodora Wi, a human reproduction specialist at the Geneva-based UN health agency.

“Every time you introduce a new type of antibiotic to treat it, this bug develops resistance to it.”

While efforts over the last century to develop a gonorrhea vaccine have so far been unsuccessful, population data from Cuba, New Zealand and Norway suggests the Men B vaccine could provide protection from the STI.

New Zealand's mass immunisation programme using the Men B vaccine took place from 2004 to 2006.

A total of 14,730 cases were analysed in the study, with 1,241 cases of gonorrhea, 12,487 cases of Chlamydia, and 1,002 cases of co-infection observed by the researchers