Until now several medicinal plants have been found useful in preventing bone loss. Topmost on the list is Chenopodium ambrosioides that experts recently considered useful in bone regeneration, dressing of wounds, and fracture healing.

In a new study, researchers assessing the effect of Chenopodium ambrosioides in animals, indicate that its water extract can help to promote new bone formation, and thus fracture healing.

Bone loss is a silent condition that may not pose any symptoms or could occur slowly over the years. Many women have no idea that they have suffered bone loss until the day they trip, fall, and fracture a bone.

Under laboratory conditions, the researchers evaluated the effect of an aqueous extract of Chenopodium ambrosioides on the bone repair process in 36 male Wistar rats that were randomly selected for this study.

The researchers, in the 2017 edition of Microscopic Research and Technology found that bone formation and wound closure was higher in rats that received the plant extract. This is an indication that it supported bone repair process.

Commonly called Indian wormseed, sweet pigweed, climbing black pepper or Benin pepper or ewe imí (leaf of excreter) in Yoruba, Chenopodium ambrosioides is used for treatment of many ailments.

In Congo, its leaf-sap is applied to oedemas and areas of local pain, and the aromatic smell is inhaled for headache. In Southern Nigeria, The whole plant is pounded and eaten as a laxative, and its infusion is used as a febrifuge, for indigestion, as a laxative and for coughs and tuberculosis.

In Nigeria, the seeds and buds are also used as a worm expeller just as in Congo, the plant is used to repel snakes and to cure snake bite.

In childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, new bone formation outpaces the removal of old bone. As we age, however, that process reverses.

Bones make up the skeletons and provide structure and support for the body. However, bones also act like a storehouse for minerals that the body need, such as calcium.

Ambrosioides, the researchers said contain chemical substances like flavonoids and monoterpenes that generally exhibit anti-inflammatory activities, which indicate its usefulness for preventing osteoporosis.

Meanwhile, experts have named it as a natural bone substitute. In a new study, the researchers said the plant could be an adjuvant in bone regeneration.