A Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Health, University of Ilorin, Prof. Abiodun Aboyeji said the use of contraceptive in Nigeria was low, a development that has accounted for the increase in sexually transmitted diseases as well as unwanted pregnancies.

Prof. Aboyeji made this claim on Saturday in Ilorin during a Seminar entitled "Pregnancy: The Burden of Womanhood". He lamented that though the awareness on the importance of Contraceptives had increased, women within reproductive ages were reluctant to use them. He disclosed that records of a recent survey conducted in Ilorin indicated that most women were apprehensive of possible side effect of these contraceptives, hence their reluctance to using them. He further said “other reasons include contraception being unnecessary, religious beliefs and husbands or fiancé being against its use.’’

He called on the government at all levels to formulate policies of free and compulsory education for the society, especially on health related matters.