The World Health Organization revealed it will soon commence a worldwide clinical trial of three new candidate drugs to find an effective treatment for COVID-19 treatment on Wednesday. The Global health agency under the Solidarity PIUS program, the therapies- artesunate, imatinib, and infliximab will undergo clinical trials on the hospitalized patients with COVID 19 virus in 52 countries after the world hit 200 million marks just last week.

The WHO'S Director-General, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus speaking at a press conference in Geneva on the need to find more effective and accessible COVID-19 therapeutics.

"We already have many tools to prevent, test for, and treat COVID-19, including oxygen, dexamethasone, and IL-6 blockers.

"But we need more, for patients at all ends of the clinical spectrum, from mild to severe disease.

"And we need health workers that are trained to use them in a safe environment" he stated.