The World Health Organization (WHO) has said there are at least 70 COVID-19 vaccines in development for the containment of the virus, of which three are in clinical trial stages. According to Science alert, the Public Health body published this in a recent updated list of vaccine efforts for the fight against COVID-19.

This has led to a global race by pharmaceutical and biotech companies in a bid to successfully develop the COVID-19 vaccine with a lesser time frame as drug-making companies as well as health workers hope to curb the widespread of the disease.

Pharmaceutical Companies have begun human testing of these potential COVID-19 vaccines including human testing being developed by Wuhan Institute of Biological Products and the China National Pharmaceutical Group, Sinopharm.

Others are Chinese Biotech company, Cansino, Sinovac Research &Development Co., Ltd and U.S based biotech start-up firms Inovio Pharmaceuticals and Moderna.

Drugmakers like Johson & Johnson as well as Sanofi are among those rushing to develop vaccines.