Period pains better known as cramps are quite the atrocious horror to most women. Cramps can be experienced by some from the very start of their years. Because periods are an inevitable part of a woman’s existence, there has to be ways to help lessen if not eradicate the pain altogether.

It is vital to use natural remedies to ease the pain because that can last longer and it will not have side effects. Exercise, can reduce up to 60% of the intensity of the pain.

Here are some easy exercises:

1. Walking: This might seem a little unrealistic especially when you are in excruciating pain curling on the bed, but sitting still and paying attention to your pain will not help either. This can be as simple as taking a brisk walk of 15 or more minutes in the neighborhood which releases tension on the pelvic muscles. The very simple exercise does not stress the body in any way and your mind may wander taking your attention away from the pain.

2. Jogging: Movement during the monthly flow decreases your chances of cramps, sometimes because your mind is predominantly occupied with something else or from the fact that the fast movement generates heat for the body including the lower abdomen. Running releases endorphins which is also a natural pain killer.

3. Pilates Lunges: are some of the easiest exercises to carry out at home due to their ease of movement and little to no strain. They often get the blood flowing to the larger muscle groups and increases your metabolism which amps up the energy levels and fight fatigue which is a common during this time of the month.

4. Yoga: exercises are very easy to carry out in the comfort of your home. Apart from relaxing the pelvis and opening hips, certain yoga positions are accompanied with deep breathing that increases blood flow that can bring relief.