A new mother nearly died after her unborn baby kicked her so hard she got her foot stuck in the uterus wall.

The baby's mother, given the pseudonym Ms Zhang, was 35 weeks pregnant when she was struck with a severe abdominal pain.

The pain intensified, and with it came a cold sweat, so she went to Peking University Shenzen Hospital.

According to the hospital's social media page , the staff had to quickly operate the emergency maternal rescue plan.

When they got the mother in, the doctor immediately suspected the uterus wall had ruptured, but he may not have expected the baby to be the reason why.

The unborn child had kicked through the uterus, into the abdominal cavity, and then got stuck.

The doctor reported a 'high degree of suspected scar rupture', which he said was a result of surgery she had in 2016, which could have led to hemorrhagic shock or infection.

Within five minutes, the pregnant woman was in the operating theatre with a team ready to help.

Fortunately there was no harm to the baby during the dramatic series of events, and both mother and daughter are reported to be doing well.

The hospital reports that the woman had undergone an operation for uterine fibroids, which had left parts of her uterus wall thinner, making them more delicate and more at risk of breaking.

A doctor involved in the case advised all new mothers who get pregnant soon after surgery to be wary of the recovery of the wall, and to check whether the embryo is implanted in the scar area.

It can sometimes be advisable to have a cesarean section instead.