March 20 every year has been stated as the International Day of Happiness by the United Nations (UN). Today March 20, 2019, wasn't any different with  #InternationalDayOfHappiness trending over the Nigeria Social Media Space.

This day is recognized as a way to recognize the importance of happiness in the lives of people, and to inspire and spread a global happiness movement.

The seventh annual World Happiness Report placed Nigeria at number 85th in the 156-country ranking, ahead of Algeria, Morrocco, China, and Rwanda. Though according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) Nigerians have slumped to the rank of one of the most depressed in Africa with about 7.1 million people suffering from depression, which is 3.9 percent of the population.

International Day of Happiness which began in 2012 has placed Finland, Denmark, and Norway were the happiest nations while South Sudan replaced Burundi as the least happy. The day is celebrated by all Member states of the United Nations has ‘Happier Together’ as the theme for 2019