Following its lucrative five-year sponsorship deal with energy company, AITEO Group, management of the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) has advanced plans to offset arrears of salaries and allowances owed various national team coaches.

It was however disclosed that the coaches, especially those who still have contracts with the Federation, have been persuaded to collect only half of their entitlements while some others were asked to forfeit 30% of their outstanding salaries and allowances.


The development was received with mixed feelings by the affected coaches who although dissatisfied with the cuts in their expected arrears, have conceded to accepting what was on offer as a reprieve to long years of indebtedness by the NFF.


Among former coaches to benefit from the settlement include Super Eagles coach, Salisu Yusuf, goalkeeper trainer Aloy Agu, U-20 goalkeeper trainer, Emeka Amadi, U-17 coach, Manu Garba and Super Falcons goalkeeper trainer, Ann Echejile.